
A. Sean Pue is professor of Hindi Language and South Asian Literature and Culture at Michigan State University. His I Too Have Some Dreams: N. M. Rashed and Modernism in Urdu Poetry was published by the University of California Press in 2014. He has served as the Director of the Digital Humanities program at Michigan State University and received an Andrew W. Mellon New Directions Fellowship that allowed him to study linguistics and computer/data science for his current research on poetic sound in South Asian poetry. His recent works include Literary Culture and Digital Humanities in India (Routledge 2023, edited with Nishat Zaidi) and Dreaming of the Digital Divan: Digital Apprehensions of Poetry in Indian Languages (Bloomsbury, 2022, with Nishat Zaidi and Mohd Aqib)). Pue holds a Ph.D. in Middle East and Asian Languages and Cultures and Comparative Literature and Society from Columbia University.